The CNYRHA and YRHA put on a great combined show and drew in some great competition for the 2021 Summer Spectacular! They had an 8 & Up, a Derby and Futurity and full slates of NRHA classes! A special congratulations to the champions and reserve champions!
I was so excited to attend this show to see friends I hadn’t seen in almost two years because of covid. Plus I got to meet a lot of new people too, I know I say it all the time but I love how nice the reining folks are! This just makes my job so much more enjoyable!
While I have shown at Hamburg several times, I gained a new perspective as the photographer and like the facility even more, which I didn’t know was even possible?! Anytime YRHA and CNYRHA puts a show on you know it will be a good one! They always have top notch office staff, amazing Buffalo food and the best announcers! The announcer at this show was the fabulous Chelsea Sutton, who played fun music and kept the show rolling! In case you haven’t heard she is knocking it out of the park with her announcing gig AND she is a partner with the new Reiner Stop, which is a live un-biased commentary on major Reining events! Here is the link if you want to learn more about Reiner Stop:
Anyways, the real reason you are reading this, you want to see your photos?! Click the link below to view them. Also know they are all un-edited. I will edit, color correct and crop when you order. If you have any special requests just let me know? If you ordered your photos and digitals at the show, THANK YOU! I am hoping to get all the orders done before Wednesday when I leave for the North American in Virginia. I process print orders first and then social media. This makes sure that prints are getting printed and shipped and you can get them within 14 days of the show. The next 3 weeks I am on the road so I could be slower in response and I just ask for your patience.
My email:
Cell: 724-504-2596
See you at the next show and thank you for your business and supporting my new adventure!