I love taking farm engagement pictures and especially on the farm I grew up on. Meet my cousin Adam and his beautiful fiancé Lauren! We did a few pictures in my woodsy grassy area; which was funny because I have been growing my tall grasses and weeds for photos and they are agronomists. Not thinking anything of the fact they are both agronomists, so I could hear them classifying them... haha
Then we went to the Rader Farm which was our grandparents farm and where Adam is growing his own corn and soybeans! We did some photos with the sunset but the soybeans are really what we are photographing... I think ;)
October will be the wedding, again at the farm! Stay tuned for wedding photos to come!
Congratulations Lauren and Adam on your engagement! I hope you had as much fun as me with your photos! (Adam is super shy so this was totally out of his comfort zone). Lauren and myself may or may not have had fun with that part.